Who’s Bland?!

Hi there!

My name is Inbal Bland. The odd name is from the fact I’m an Israeli happily married to an English bloke and currently residing in the UK.

This blog was originally all about my art, crafts and photographs which I love to share with other people. It is now also about anything I can think of that comes to my mind and things I find I particularly like and think you should all like too!

. Its also a way for me to show my family in Israel what I’ve been up to.

Please feel free to comment throughout the blog!

2 thoughts on “Who’s Bland?!

    • Hi Paul! I’ve had the blog for a while now, this is the second take of it as the other one was on blog spot. It was my brothers idea originally and its fun to do it.
      Also, while using the blog I started looking at other peoples blogs and I’ve found some crackers that I follow.

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