Happy New Year!

Yes, yes, a bit late I know. I know its the end of February but better late than never!

Things have been a bit chaotic recently and I’ve also started an Open Uni course so they won’t get any easier. Plus other things that are going on that will make this year even more interesting but in a good way.

I’ve thought to share what I gave my friends for Christmas. Gifts are a great way to start the year don’t you think? (I know it was technically the end of the year but I don’t care)

Previously I’ve shared with you the wonderful creations of my friend Mazzi on her Latika shop. So I ordered a few of her soaps (which are totally awesome in case you had any doubt) and made some wrapping paper myself (since I had no money or inclination to go and buy some).

Here are the results (no picture of the wrapped up gifts, but I still have a spare in a draw so I’ll try and take one later):


Take one foam butterfly and glue to a peg.


Take aforesaid Butterfly peg, dip in acrylic paint, press onto parcel paper and let is dry.


Ta da! Wrap up your gifts and tie them with some ribbon!


Oh, and unlike one of my friend, DON’T try and eat the cookies or you’ll get a bad case of bubbly burps.


Is looking forward to a wonderful rest of the year.

x Inbal


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